Tagged: Rajasthan

August 16, 2012

Reading and writing

Here is another quotation in the same spirit as in last week’s blog post from an inspiring little book, ‘What is history’ by E. H. Carr: ‘…as soon as I have got going on a few of what I take to be the capital sources, the itch becomes too strong…

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July 2, 2012

What is serious?

My recent Great Sweep through my studio included going through my ‘Rajasthan‘ cupboard. It was good to unfold and rearrange a collection of Indian textiles – nothing exceptionally valuable but a testimony to change as a number of hand-blocked cotton pieces are not available anymore if…

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April 8, 2012

Rajasthan travel

During many years I have organised and accompanied such tours for friends. The time it took to prepare a balanced, informative and unforgettable journey made me recently stop doing so, but it was equally fun to dream in advance about sensational places and, when travelling at last, to share…

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March 27, 2012


These past weeks I have often wondered about what makes people great, why they are often humble, and how badly we miss trustworthy models at the moment. Several recent press articles made me draw once again the conclusion that greatness resides in a subtle combination of humility and self-confidence.

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February 10, 2012

Inspiring book people

On December 23 I mentioned in this weblog the moment when I set out to find a publisher for Rajasthan, and how ill prepared I had been for the attitudes in the trade. I believe it could be interesting to write a small book for authors in search of a publisher and it…

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February 8, 2012

‘Rajasthan’ in an armchair

Almost nine years after its launch, Rajasthan is still living its own life. It was by sheer chance that a friend found the book last week sitting comfortably in an armchair on the cover of a flyer from an interior decorator in Laren, the Netherlands.  …

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January 20, 2012

A poster for IKEA; a book cover for W.W.Norton

Some years ago five images from my Rajasthan pages were selected for a – now discontinued – poster called Samples and a series of postcards sold by IKEA.     I took the picture one early morning in Jodhpur when the renowned dyer Tayeb…

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January 17, 2012

What is inspiration?

At the launch of Rajasthan in London in the Fall of 2003, a journalist asks me why, being Dutch, I have not made a book about Indonesia. Although the question is meant to tease me, it is fundamental and the journalist himself is surprised by its effect. What is the…

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January 16, 2012

Looking back #5: Return to India with Rajasthan under my arm

After the launch of Rajasthan I returned to India to finally show my friends what I had been doing. The village of Rohet in the Jodhpur region and its pleasant fort had been my base for longer periods of time. I had even become affectionately known as ‘Pollimadam’ and…

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December 22, 2011

Looking back #3: Rajasthan and making books

My most faithful travel companion is a small Moleskine ‘reporter’ notebook which, at home, is paired with a larger one that grows within a few months to bursting point with photos, sketches and cuttings. For years I used to bind my journals myself in different materials and those are particularly…

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December 16, 2011

A moment of harvest in my studio

Many things have been kept out of the pages of this website in order to keep them simple. I have little patience with websites that need a road map. But hidden behind these slightly static pages is the image of work in progress, of periods of formation and research, and…

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